guys, really ? omg.

i'll share a little conversation , between ... 'them'

man : are you sick ? what's sick ?
woman : yes , i am . ;D
man : why you're so happy ? what's sick?
woman : heart (means; hurt)
man : why?
woman : nothing.
woman : use the pic with your girlf ;)
man : which one ?
woman : you used few minutes ago , that pic.
man : ooh, got it. 

the man got the wrong user while typing text, finally the texted what he would send to his girlf, sent to that woman .....

woman : gotcha! wrong user, i mean wrong........receiver
man : sorry.....

the woman denied, and the man texted again....

man : that's my bad sorry.......

and the woman didn't type any reply, emm weird..

so, i take a conclusion, not try to being so 'high', i take because i think kinda know about their story, i love her, and i heart him. they were dating, they were cool, they're still like crush eachorther. but there's something make them couldn't go on, it's really big thing, but they're still cool. the man is dating her friend, not close friend, just friend. the woman looks like kinda jealous maybe, but another side she has another man too, life is funny for few times. love isn't for one, love is something bigger, you can give to anybody, not just someone. yah, i learned from them. i shocked, when i see , the man isn't exist on her messnger list. i really really shocked. i don't know what happen, oh God please don't separate their. amen. 


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