Hindu Dharma Bali degree Tawur Kesanga Today@General Blogspot-Indonesia-News report Tegnologi Information, Entertainment, Health and Sports, Only in papa-anggry.blogspot.com*
Denpasar: Hindus Dharma implement Tawur Kesanga done the day before the celebration of the holy day of Nyepi Saka New Year 1934, Thursday (23/3). In Bali, Tawur Kesanga will take place in stages, starting from the provincial, regency / city, district, banjo / village, to the extent of the household"
"Activities for the Province of Bali is centered at Pura Besakih, then continued in the district / city, district, traditional village and ends at the household level," said Chairman Parisada Hindu Dharma Indonesia (PHDI) Bali Dr I Gusti Ngurah Sudiana"
He said the ritual activities are conducted simultaneously on the island was intended to purify the universe and its contents. In addition, improving the relationship and harmony between human beings, humans and their environment, and man to God (Tri Hita Karana).
Within the guidelines issued by the highest council of Hindus to the whole village Pekraman (custom), which ended with tawur Kesanga hold joint prayers were conducted in accordance with their respective levels.
For Tawur Kesanga hosted in the Pura Besakih, each district to send envoys to seek the holy water (Tirta) for further distribution to all the people in each region"
For the district to carry out similar activities completeness 'Panca Kelud Bhuana' or according to the ability of each county / city'
While at the district level using upakara 'Caru Panca Relatives', continued at the village level using upakara 'Caru Panca One', as well as at the level of train use upakara 'Caru Eka Sata'. The activity ended at the household level in the evening with offerings 'Sakasidan'.
These activities beralhir on 'Ngerupuk' is marked by the procession ogoh-ogoh (doll size) by young children. Arakan ogoh-ogoh performed in almost every village in the eight counties and one city in Bali*
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