Facebook Users Now Compete India Indonesia@General Blogspot-Indonesia-News report Tegnologi Information, Entertainment, Health and Sports, Only in papa-anggry.blogspot.com
@Indonesia's position as the second largest number of Facebook users in the world's displaced. India was the one who is now ranked with 43.5 million users, the difference of 400 thousand members compared to Indonesia*
Based on the latest statistics from the site socialbakers.com, the top hierarchy of Facebook users remain controlled by the United States with 152 million users. Then India with 43.5 million users, and Indonesia who are in third position (43.1 million users)*
But Indonesia is still superior in penetration rate, or approximately 17.7 percent of active users. Because even though India has 43.5 million Facebookers, was only about 3.7 percent of the active use of social networking was made by Mark Zuckerberg*
Socialbaker.com is Facebook status monitoring sites from 200 countries around the world. This site can be seen through demographic statistics of Facebook users per country every week*
While Facebook's popularity in the DRC is decreasing. Socialbakers.com site describes a decline in Facebook users up to 205 thousand accounts in just one week*
The next largest decrease occurred in China with 41 thousand accounts in Cyprus last week followed by 30 thousand accounts*
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