Type of engine modifications so Jadul High-Tech
@techanget.com who is not familiar with typewriters? before the development of computers that are too sophisticated as it is used a lot of people typed letters with typewriters. But since the PC desktop already known by the OS windows 98 on a typewriter is becoming obsolete and many office buildings replacing typewriters with computers easier. The workers are lazy with junk like an old school typewriter is#
*But not for Remy Silado a writer who did not want to loose with her typewriter. He did not want his favorite typewriter meinggalkan has emerged despite sophisticated gadgets laptop, iPad, and all sorts. Typing with a typewriter for her old school had a sensation of its own.
Innovation of Jadul
Jack is an engineer from Philadelphia Zylkin who understand the love of someone like Remy is a type of machine tool. Then made modifications to old typewriters are modified so the computer keyboard. By simply plugging the USB into your computer slot then this old school typewriter can be used to replace the modern keyboard. The surplus compared with the old typewriter keyboard right now is in terms of durability because typewriters used to use the keyboard while the metal atoms using a plastic material"
But you have to press hard to type the letters AZ. Anything else is not complete function keys F1 through F12 are not available there.
*Jack Zylkin simple technology works can be used on different types of computers. All computer and laptop-based Macintosh, Windows, and Linux can be connected to this USB Typewriter. Amazingly, USB Typewriter can be connected with so IPAD IPAD serves as a laptop screen while the Typewriter to the USB keyboard. In addition, the USB Typewriter can also be used on other tablets that support the "USB Host capability", such as Motorola Xoom, Acer Iconia Tab, Toshiba Thrive, Lenovo ThinkPad, and Sony Tablet S. Even the USB Typewriter can be used on smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy SII and the Nokia N810/N900#
*For a taste of old-school innovations in advanced technology, you can buy a USB Typewriter for USD 699. But if you want to modify your own typewriter, you only need to purchase a USB Typewriter kit for USD 75 only. With the kit's USB Typewriter, you can assemble your own by following the guidelines of Jack Zyklin here. Good luck#
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