mom is hospitalized AGAIN , i hate AGAIN ! what happened to her ? she's doing too much ! i told her, she was kinda sick yesterday, i told to not go to rr but she denied me , hhh. okay, kid did nothing. and now , she's hospitalized :( , getwellsoon anyway mommie . he , the law maker in this house, alwaaaays being cold whenever or wherever, sooo selfish ! sale+fish ! SELFISH! before went to hsptl, why he and i should getting fussed ? fought ? i didn't shock with these, i love him, but i love her MORE and MORE , and he always try to make everything under his pressureeeeee , sumpah bete. mom won't anybody knows if she's hospitalized rightnow, idk why, she's trying to okay. i can't do anything, except pray and let everything is going to good, stay there, and try to not fall asleep while being guard, i love sleeeeeeep. who's not ??? . blabla, my brother is sucks! i hate to say this, but i think i should say, he became like 'his' so selfish in that way, i'm getting tired to tell him to not make mommie underpressure because of him, he DENIED, see? how selfish ? again , why man like FISH ? fyi, i stopped talking to him since my mom fainting, yest. getwellsoon, mom :")
is everything changed ? have no idea, i miss hanan a lot, i'm scared alit pushed me away when i go to college, i miss my bithces , esp the purple one, green one and my fahionalibarbie one, oooh b too poor but kinda good i dnt have boy friend for rgthnow, so it isn't so desperate , but same way, miserable! I miss hanan's text laugh AT me so badly, shared and laugh out loud with bitches, alid heem...just miss idk hahaha. well, now ? is like everything changed ? no hanan's text again.........laugh at me or care me , and bitches .
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