bu YA !

Sunday, July 31, 2011
puasa pertama loh, you know.. mommie still hospitalized so alid and i stay 'cute' in hozpital for real. aniwei, bu YA bu YA it's like surprise yang damn ! dang ! yaps, ada yang mau aku ceritain sih, ceritain apa curhatin juga bingung, sharing ( sama aja curhat ) ok , get some classy so call it SHARING ! jadi gini, aku ngerasain perubahan perubahan yang bikin aku ngrasa getting lost sama sekali, tp ada juga yang getting good , banyakan getting lostnya kali ya , desp-erate. yaudah, let's look one by one.

ini orang pertama ya , di postingan ini lg mau rahasiain namanya aja hoho, biar kaya FBI gitu. iya orang pertama ini, meaning banget , i hearted banget loooooh. gatau deh, kenapa bisa jadi hearted banget , iya. aku ngerasa dia itu jadi ngerasa jauh banget skrg sama aku, aku aja yang ngerasa begini, mendramatisir keadaan biar di lebay lebay in apa emang kenyataan, ga ngerti juga. aniwei, takut loh TAKUT banget di tinggalin no conversation , kaya orang ga kenal sama sekali buat kedua kalinya (crossing finger, semoga ngga) , my life will be more miserable than miley's life when she's 6 grade ! yang dulu aja , ngerasanya itu bener bener desperate, getting upset, yes literally literally kalo kangen sm orang ini suka nangis sendiri, tolol ya gue ? nggaaaa, i said.. this person has a great meaning in mine ! basicly, dia emang cuek jutek , tp deep inside what a sweet loh buat orang orang yg udah tau dia gimana. jadi ya udah, di calender hape nokia tersayang since 2 weeks ago, udah ada semcam recap hari hari , ngga buat orang ini aja, tp buat apa yang kejadian hari itu, biasa bb udah almarhum jadi gabisa gonta ganti pm sesuai hati , hh. okay, emang dia bales sms aku kaya males malesan apa semuanya juga nggatau, jadi yaudah kan kalo di tanya ke dia langsung , aku tau dia bakalan tambah bete, sebel blablabla , jadi aku cari tau sendiri. pas gitu , aku lg sama temenku, deket sih. kemana gitu lupa, jadi dia bbm orang ini dan wah.... balasannya itu fun bget, trus yaudah aku balik " ih asik banget di balas gitu ya :( panjang " , dia balik bilang " loh, kamu ngga put ..... kan malahan deketan kamu ", aku " ngga nih, udah lumayan lama dijutekin, malah kdang ga di read " , trus temenku bilang lagi " yaudah sabar aja ya, ngertiin aja, kamu ada salah kali sama dia, kamunya jangan berubah tapi, biar di gituin, stay your self aja " . thanks budd <3 berasa flashback jadinya, ada yang bilang .... something happened twice is good, but if that's bad ? it will be worse ! emang sesuatu yang bagus kalo keulang dua kali jadinya asik, coba kalo yang ga enak, yang bikin miris, yang bikin kejer , yaAllah berasaaaaaaaaaa nyesek ke ubun ubun. salah apa loh aku ? nggatau, aku ngga peka apa gimana ya. mau nanya ? udah keseringan nanya dan dia bakalan bete. seminggu gitu aku ngga ada sms, nunggu di sms, eh ngga ada juga, sampe someone told me dia got an accident, jadilah aku sms dia, kirain ga dibales eh di bales, tp ya tetep aku ngerasanya gimana aja, di bawa enjoy ajasih tapi. yang ada di kepalaku sampe sekarang ini, gimana kalo misalnya dia emg ninggalin aku ? bisa apa aku hayo ? bisa apa selain kejer trus nyoba ikhlas biarpun naudjubilah susah banget, yaAllah myGodness semoga GA , percaya percaya sama many promises yang lalu lalu, tp ini malah mikir itu aja, namanya pikiran gabisa di atur, eh maaf loh ::( bukan ga percya gitu sama kamu, maaf jangan getting upset. tapi ya kalo emang bener .................. mau di apain lagi kan ? ngomong aja gitu sama aku kalo emang bener mau sss........ okay, you know. kejer kejer kumat kali kejer kejer parah, gaurus lebay apa gimana. being a part of your life is such a great thing in this wholeworld ! but, i hate being just memories ..... it means saying goodbye, i put my mind on those words. fcmd ? omg , i hope that's not supposed to me, amen. there's a lot of people who means to you, maybe i know them maybe i am not, i guess i knew, they're so luckiest to have you, to still have your care, your attention, your upset when they don't do what you want,  not ever change to every of them <3 kangen ? iya banget malah, hem.. tapi mau di gimanain yang di kangenin juga ngga tau ;p kalo ngomong ntar dikira lebay atau apa, ya gatau deh ketemu lagi apa ngga, udah mau kuliah beda beda tempat, masing masing, pasti sama sama sibuk, ya semoga kalo ketemu sblum kuliahan ini jangan jutek jutek sama aku ya :'D the last, ajarin aku foto foto juga :D ya

orang yang kedua, sama meaningnya sama yang di atas, dia sih ngaa berubah jadi power ranger apa satria baja hitam, tapi ituoloh labilnya bikin bete berapa hari. maaf ya, mungkin aku single sekarang, mungkin aku suka ngomongin kamu blablabla, tapi tolong dong jangan dibilang 'sirik' kesannya kaya gimana aja gitu, berapa kali sih aku bilang ke kamu, kalo emang mau keluar, ya gausah bohong bilang aja perginya sama siapa, jangan bohong lah, apalagi mamamu sendiri. ngga ada hak kali ya aku ngasih tau begini, ujungnya gitu di bilang sirik, anjir kaya apa banget gitu di bilang sirik. fine, udah dapet yang baru kan ? maaf loh, boleh bilang ngga  kenapa ya selama sama yang ini kamu jadi sering bohong gitu, urusanmu emang sih bohong, tp liat liat juga, ngga suka aja. trus, ada temenku gitu yang udah mikir aneh aneh sama kamu gara gara kamu pasang dp yang bareng sang pacar itu, pikiran orang kan beda beda, temenku minta kasih tau ke kamu ? hello bisa apa aku ? ntar dikira sirik lagi haha. have fun ya sama yang ini, ntar kan kalo aku udah kuliah ngga lagi aku tau kamu bohong apa ngga, sama a best person in your life, longlast. aku sayang kamu loh, semoga baik baik aja sama yang ini, aniwei..... bilangin ke dia juga, skate pernah jadi bagian dari dia kan ? ya jangan ngomong kalo anak anak skate itu *** lah, aku tau aja, baru tau tadi malem sih, ali kiga pernah berkecimpung di situ tsaaaaah, ya jangan ngerasa paling apa aja gitu :) <3 longlast !

yang terakhir, wooohooo bukan mau bandingin kamu sama dia, tp kalo dia sih langsung peka sama aku, aku broke up sama dia juga bukan gara gara hal itu, tapi 'hal' itu, jadi ya aku ngga suka aja gitu kamu bilang kenapa abis udahan sama dia, sama kamu, malah respect ke dia. sorry sorry jek, kamu udah ada yang lain kan, ya kita temenan aja kali ya, aku sama dia juga temenan, tp mungkin eang lebih care ke dia banding kamu, sorry, theres something you dont know, tp tolong ya jangan ngecap dia kaya gitu ::)

bu YA !

is everything changed ?

Friday, July 29, 2011
mom is hospitalized AGAIN  , i hate AGAIN ! what happened to her ? she's doing too much ! i told her, she was kinda sick yesterday, i told to not go to rr but she denied me , hhh. okay, kid did nothing. and now , she's hospitalized :( , getwellsoon anyway mommie . he , the law maker in this house, alwaaaays being cold whenever or wherever, sooo selfish ! sale+fish ! SELFISH! before went to hsptl, why he and i should getting fussed ? fought ? i didn't shock with these, i love him, but i love her MORE and MORE , and he always try to make everything under his pressureeeeee , sumpah bete. mom won't anybody knows if she's hospitalized rightnow, idk why, she's trying to okay. i can't do anything, except pray and let everything is going to good, stay there, and try to not fall asleep while being guard, i love sleeeeeeep. who's not ??? . blabla, my brother is sucks! i hate to say this, but i think i should say, he became like 'his' so selfish in that way, i'm getting tired to tell him to not make mommie underpressure because of him, he DENIED, see? how selfish ? again , why man like FISH ? fyi, i stopped talking to him since my mom fainting, yest. getwellsoon, mom :") 

is everything changed ? have no idea, i miss hanan a lot, i'm scared alit pushed me away when i go to college, i miss my bithces , esp the purple one, green one and my fahionalibarbie one, oooh b too poor but kinda good i dnt have boy friend for rgthnow, so it isn't so desperate , but same way, miserable! I miss hanan's text laugh AT me so badly, shared and laugh out loud with bitches, alid heem...just miss idk hahaha. well, now ? is like everything changed ? no hanan's text again.........laugh at me or care me , and bitches . 

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Thursday, July 28, 2011
you know what ...... i'm at EF rightnow, bzzz miss the class and the teachers so badly, too bad miss heather back home to unitedstates , what a thursday! EF <3

love is funny!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
thanks for this night :) for doner kebab , for nothing or something conversation . i missed you and i didn't deny that, you came to my dream twice this week =P what the hell with your watch ? haha it's kindaaaaaaaaaaa funny,  about THAT story ! not about your WATCH hhhhhhhh. LOVE IS FUNNY ! when we dating ? feels like stranger , and when we're not i feel so close, heeeel yeah! LOVE IS FUNNY ! anyway , i met my friend in jhs , they're one of many sweets couple hoho yunda&boby , yaps ! they looks like soooo cute with their relationship ;p through so long, they seems fit eachorther , i guess! cute! longlast booooth! . love is funny and sweet , it came to alit TODAY. she practice cheers as usual as she did, so i came to school with the lil chatty sister, no doubt i think vinix sort of fan about ! i didn't notice if her boyfriend was there, so she told, then i talked with him, we're friend (with her boyf) i went home , bla bla and bla, suddenly alit texted me, she said.......... how if she cry ? and she tired dating a player ? and i feel like WHAT THE HELL IS THIS ? they met at school a few hours ago, maybe 2 hours before alit texted me, then NOW ! okay, they fussed and fought , hope everything will be okay, i asked what happened alit said........... he texted someone, i don't know who is she, and her boyfriend (iqbal) kinda miss o miss hhhhh, see ???? LOVE IS FUNNY ! hem, i really really miss my nose, my lilytrustcott, my demilovato, my bestfriendEVER, my praticly sister , okay HANAN kangen banget yaAllah , yaaaaaa orangnya ngerasa tau ngerti apa ngga , ngga tau juga, the last time i texted her and asked " where will you back home ? " and i didn't get one reply , i stopped text her , it isn't mean leave or saying goodbye, JUST WAITING SHE COME UP :/ :\ :( I'M FREAKIN OUT TO LOSE HER ! she likes my box story , guard yah FRIEND ! yaAllah hanan kangeeeeeen :( love is funny! agaaaaaaaain! LOVE IS FUNNY! 
Monday, July 25, 2011
sometimes you have to be apart from people you love, but that doesn't mean you love them any less, sometimes you love them more - the last song .

can i say ? yes, i love them more! no doubt, stucked in my mind <3 ")

selena's i love you.....r.......

Saturday, July 23, 2011

i made this, whadayathink ? <3


you said it's for everyone, but i said it's just to me. did my words not come out right? did am i being too much ? i'm begging on your knee i am sorry if yes i did. my mind took me about empty conversation between us, it's another part suck in my life, i'm fighting my mind to not think about that, or the main one to not think you will leave me, even you treated me like stranger rightnow. 3 words for replied, you said OKAY i said not , it's because i'm not the real stranger, i knew you or sometimes i just don't get each side, but i knew. you are the most gorgeous buddy i've found in this my whole life. are you leave me slowly? it's another words i'm fighting rightnow! i'm crying while typing it's really makes sense WHY! i never saying goodbye or desperately leave you, when you asked me, then i asked again when i leave you, never crossed in my mind i will, i'll be me, always. your promises as a good-friend recorded on my life, i hope you hear, still hear, i'm waiting you text me 1st again, because i texted you and you denied and feel like you're kinda disturbed with mine, that's okay, no one could be blame, world is funny, that's why we laughed till i cry , and you ? maybe you aren't, i hope i'll find the uncool you again, comeback please, xoxo.

to : thecoolestcloserbuddy <3 ') 

for today

Monday, July 18, 2011
i have a story happened yesterday, it sort good, i'll share later, i don't know the exactly when i will, just waiting the good mood push me to share, anywho! em, i texted him or he texted me again (he isn't my ex) , i feel like yes he is, but left side, oh he isn't, right side, oh he isn't and i guess? what the hell saying he is ? damn! there are 2 excuses why i won't go on with him, before i start so far, this is just a friendship never meet, so sort like that! unbelieveable, we were almost meet when kid but we were not, it doesn't matter, it's better to not meet him, i have a stronger love, if i give a little to him? insyaAllah i won't, i won't be real my self <3 thanks dude ! and about........ the firstperson on do not leave me category *not grammy's* are you being cool to everyone? or just some? i just do not get it, basicly that's your self, i knew you met and talked with the character like that, but.. if i'm taking a green-eyed is it okay? i try to make everything better, talk your favorites, ask what you did or just 'll do, and try to tell my dumbed story, i hope it's gonna be better when i share to such a good-listener like you, the result i just do not get YET ! ( truefriend-hannahmontana...... you know the secret i could never tell ) i hope it'll help me to be somebody , to be a friend, a best friend for you, yes you don't have to tell completely about your life, privacy is on good, but ? the good friend, is always know even you won't tell, the good secret keeper and the good listener, wish you trust me i'm so that person! i'm waiting you text me to having fun or just share your story or maybe ask what i am doing today <3 from your lung. ah, what the world is ! the world has so many boxes, i opened one by one, after i saw it's good to leave them? i leave, if i see it's not yet? i still open them and look everytime, without ignoring them <3 life is good and world you are gorgeous!!!!

Demi Lovato - Skyscraper

finally, skyscraper came up for realz!
some said it's about joejonas & some said about her own life, so you think?
enjoy :)

these all

Saturday, July 16, 2011
i'm still 17years old and i have a dream , but may i say this life is supposed to mine ? may i say my shoulder can hold these all?  i mean, i must through its? there's no one do me a favor. like i've said before, you'll never know, if you become a new person or not, ask another people around, then you'll find the answer. yes, that's so i am. i have people i trusted, i told my story, i'm not getting shame to them to tell. i know people, knew about my story, i trusted them, but never tell them. it isn't complicated, it's why i called life. i do not have boyfriend yet and i didn't say just because of this? my life is more miserable than before. i'm sick of the last memories with my ex, you know how much he's so mean to me? but, i can't go on with him. i love him so much. my 1stlove, it's really my 1st heartbreak because my words didn't come out right to him, he found someone better, proud of you, in my deepest heart? and my funny chatty, i always dream you'll marry me someday. hell................ move move and move. i heard this word since i'm in 11 grade? the result, is always ' GAJADI ' and i'm so grateful! too many people i love here, my hometown even it's not los angeles, i love being here! and that word? i heard 3 days ago , again.... for few times. the truth is STILL NOT COME UP! i'm tired ! sooooo exhausted!! I found the truth, i found, i saw, i heard, i felt, i cry and once again I'M TIRED! whatever, someone told me i must fight the fear to TALK and TELL if i found the truth, and i'm not a kid anymore, giving a popsicle , lollypop or a doll then i forget the cases, thanks for you someone! i'll talk if i'm ready fight the fear :") . blogging makes me kinda fresh, i typed any stories, it doesn't mean want to being show off, no i am not! i'm crying while i'm typing, (rightnow? yes i am) , i wanna tell to 2 people i most care about, but?? they're just having their night , have fun :) , it's why blogging is nice. believe or not? when i feel like this, again .. for few times, i never get run off , i never get a smoke, get a drink, to the top? HANG-OVER! i'm not gonna lie.. i've ever thought about , to do , make some fun with , i'm still a dreamer, good-imaginary in this whole world, so.... mymind can't drive myself crazy, wow, i'm crying.... GOD, look at me? can You see? why You gave these all to me? why i am the person?
Friday, July 15, 2011
i just put mixpod on leftside, the playlist will be change everyweek, anywey, i've got a new lesson yesterday, when you're almost get your teardrops on your arms, it means, you getting upset (indirectly or not), take your bag, and your key, drive home with a longeeest way to get home! it works guys! *recommended* , gotta go, gotta sleep!

Cinta dan "Nikung"

judulnya gimana gitu ya..?? haha..
mau bahas masalah cinta dan penikungan.
berawal dari smsanku sama temenku (inisial F *cowok ini*). dia tuh temen curhat aku juga, tapi nggak pernah ketemu sejak lulusan SMA, hahaha.
dia tuh nek sms aku biasane suruh nyariin cewek *ngenes kisah percintaannya*... njuk kemaren terakhir pas sms aku, langsung tak tanya udah dapet bribikan belum gitu, dia bilang belum

likey Z/D

Thursday, July 14, 2011
likey z or d , what likes? what i felt , as simply as you know or you just don't know. remember? okay, they've got upset when felt like what i completely feel rightnow. what likes ? what i felt, kinda green-eyed. (it's so due because you're so mean to us!) remember? they felt you didn't treat them (like, well you're in they arms, ALWAYS!!!) or they just felt anyway, because you sure, you're not sort like that, YEAH! i'm so detected what Z or D detected past :( they've got upset then, or cry, and me? absolutely, yes! the main is scared to lose you.... different point is they can tell you and you realized but i am? i couldn't tell you and you  just don't get it , the other side i'm not supposed to tell you and feel like this, i againts, it doesn't work, literally! how come, i'm getting upset and upset bymyself :( wrapped with 4walls, and.......please, just get it :\ :( 

pm : for the youngest girl z&d .. how come? you guys againts feel like this in past? tell me.

wherever i go

to be honest se honest honestnya, tiap nonton hannahmontana episode ini, biar di ulang ulang, ujungnya nangis kejer yaAllah berasa nonton india -__- whatever if you called lebay ;p , biasa sih a touchy cutey girl woohoo , aniwei, you must seeeee! and the song , sometimes make me cry to...or seldom? okay, SELDOM! <3 :")

france tricks

i can't speaknow if the atms like this okay, i can't, swift's letter like doesn't speaks me rightnow, stack up, the main is simply as france trick, how can you speaknow , the brain is tell you , it's better to hide under the rock, but the heart screamin' out and whispered you , you shouldn't go like this, or not go, praticly tasted taste! stack up, oh stack up, the own duck is your, the own pillow you're holding on tight, your dearest you keep on your heart not in your mind, it's better to put them in heart, mind? no! i tell you, you will easily to forgotten, as simply as like france trick (again). the worm and the bird, it's like bonnie and clyde, i'm the beleeeeeveeeeer! so bad! DES and TROY , DESTROY! with ed it means DONE ! yap, DESTROYED!!! what the hell, france trick doesn't work, you gotta be blame, buy you're supposed to be ! world is funny right, loving someone like you give the duck meal but you don't and swear, you shouldn't touch the mouth! is it hard alright? hello france, where is the benefit of your trick, i can't find? is everything just joke? or you make me fun? it hurts, what a france! your tricks all over yours is so good! but, this one... i don't know why i started to do not believe it anymore, i didn't say you're liar , but i say, i think you're right, when we try to give the duck meals, we have to touch their mouth, slowly......it hurts, but duck loves you! DUCK LOVES YOU! duck plays with their friends, another ducks, but the one he or she lovess is someone who knows about they self so damn well, taking care, giving meals, see and carrying to watch something special up of the mountain, emm.... maybe........ they will forget you, but it's the big lie in this whole world, when they leave you and forget you at all, they're just played with another ducks , the quality time is right with you. another ducks, they've got their own quality times with NO DUCKS

Demi Lovato - Skyscraper

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

it's really demi! it's really you!
staystrong! <3 perfect!


name : giring ganesha djumaryo
was born : july 14, 1983
who is he ?
okay, he's the amazing man! his voice is so cool! no doubt!!!! 
became idol to me, but now i prefer called him as brother! he's so inspired me, he told me if music is always GOOD and we have to make mom PROUD! :) the greatest dad and husband , emm.......... 

happy birthday the inspired brother in this wholeworld!
you are totally AMAZING!

wish u all the best ;) 
makin sukses ye bang, makin jadi inspirasi anak bangsa, terutama nidjiholic!
makin cihuy bareng nidji :D
makin jadi ayah & suami yang paling hebat buat keluarga

nih puput bawain cake bang ;p wekekek *ngayal*
make a wish! 
and done :) 

song of the day!

If you're the bird
Whenever we pretend it's summer
Then I'm the worm
I know the part, it's such a bummer

But fair is fair
If my segments get separated
I'll scream
And you'll be there

Close your eyes
(Close my eyes)
Slide the cotton off of your shoulders
And feel the shine
(Feel the shine)
I'm hooked so toss me over
And cast a line
(Well I'll try)
I'll throw a party and greet my undersea friends
(It depends)
As they arrive
(If they arrive)

You and I left our troubles far behind
But I still have just one more question on my mind
For all my pals who live in the oceans and the seas
With friends like these well,
Who needs enemies?

If I'm your boy
Let's take a shortcut we remember
And we'll enjoy
Picking apples in late September like
We've done for years
Then we'll take a long walk
Through the cornfield
And I'll kiss you
Between the ears

If you're my girl
Swirl me around your room with feeling
And as we twirl
The glow in the dark stars on your ceiling
Will shine for us
As love sweeps over the room
Cause we tend to make
Each other blush
(Make me blush)
You and I left our troubles far behind
But I still have just one more question on my mind
For all my pals who live in the oceans and the seas
With fronds like these well,
Who needs en-enemies?

You're the bird, I'm the worm
And it's plain to see
That we were meant to be
We were meant to be
We were meant to be
We were meant to be  

empawat? or whatever!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
tadi pagi sih begini ,

me : nick, itu apa ? pe..sa...wat.....
vnix : empawat!
me : pe...sa.....wat! 
vnix : em...pa.....waaaaat!
me : pelan pelan aja -_- pe...sa...wa....ttttt
vnix : em.....pa......wa.....tt!
me : pesawat! 
vinix : sepawat !

at least, whatever she want to call.... hh.

MileyDemi love.

love is louder than the pressure to be perfect <3

unickjonas :p

hold on tight! uneee ;p he's hot!

timessquare by hanan :p

cihuy anjir sumpah ini cihuy! udah serasa timessquare, ups you know ini hasil jepretannya siapa ..yaps!!!!!!
HANAN ! sumpah keren ya -__- abisnya mirip timessquare trus basicly ;p dia emang jiwanya di flashing and grapher gitu , sumpah this is so timessquare, mungkin kalo dia di newyork, bakalan di ambil sama newyorker on timessquare view kali ya buat dapetin liku liku ts tiap hari woooohooo (amin) :) search di flickrnya ;p finally dia ngeupload deh hehe di 'hcmgraph' ya , she's amazing -__- ajarin dong, ;p tiap minta ajarin dia bilang masih belajar ;p ajarin dikit doang gimana bisa jadi timessquare, eh sumpah onceagain CIHUY!

12 is belong to une :)

i'm texting with uneee ;p kinda besties then i asked her why i couldn't open her blog, omg, she changed like a stranger ;p hidden under the rocks upsssss she gave me and i read a FANTASTIC! story , called it lovestory ;p twelve oh twelveeeeeee you're belong to sri wahyuni ;p i'm happy for you :* keep the flower and the jacket form your ex, aniwei..... i'm so glad they're not the bird, yaks! remember the bird was lost ;p <3 i'm happy for you!


Monday, July 11, 2011

for tomorrow, ibalid's anniv

yall 1st anniversary ,  were born in twelve.
happy anniversary & longlast 
you treated me indirectly like i'm loser, and i flew away try to touch you upstairs, you kicked me and i still flew and smile to the birds, how come? it was came? -  jesse kneedy

jessica stroup !

as erin silver in 90210 ! no doubt the new idol of my life came up ;p she's cool! i love her style!

do before heaven

holahop! longtimenochattynotypenoscreamnowasting :D vacation was going pretty good , went home tomorrow and feels good, i missed my alien and woody dolls so badly uhhhh and they've got a new friend.... i'll post the pic later, he's a green turtle ! wooohooooooooo! he's cute! but i just didn't give his name yet. aniweii....................... the truth is going on and on came up and i'm so excited waiting the next, it supposed to be in my world even i know, i'm not ready to face them! that's okay, Allah loves me. i need a little love, i'm not going to lie, if i'm hurt about these all, these all what ? what kind? the pretended kind ;) got it. and do before heaven i think you know what that means, what i prayed when riding to bdg , when i close my eyes and talked to my self, just my self, oh angel heard that. do before heaven, back home it's not the purpose. lets make some people smile because of me, happy because something little i did or i'll do, remember DO BEFORE HEAVEN!

what the hell vacation is?

Thursday, July 7, 2011
Yes, i'm in jekardah rightnow, just good to be here after spent 2 days in bandung. Trans studio really awesome guys!
Thanks mom :' to brought me there, and i'm sorry i was kinda harsh, i just felt vexed knowing you and 'mantasshole' still connected, and i didn't know what to do, so i try to show you if i dislike with this way and i was totally wrong, okay i'm sorry mom, i love you. I was cryin' behind you :( alit supposed to be beside me when i mixed up, she's so hillarious you know, may i say this year is my hardest year? Yeh, lemme say it! Too much people i hurted, i'm sorry, and i lost my besties :p ohh juniorhighschool oh memories oh besties in jhs, :' thanks for the memories!

Solo Batik Carnival

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
sepertinya ini postingnya telat banget, lhaa gimana lagi ya, hehe..
Solo Batik Carnival atau yang biasa disingkat SBC taun 2011 ini diadakan Rabu, 25 Juni 2011 jam 19.00 WIB (jadwalnya sih gitu). kalo tahun kemaren itu jam sore *eeh apasih jam sore?*, jam 16.00 WIB gitu deh. menurut pengamatanku sih bagusan yang tahun 2010 deh, kayaknya lebih banyak gitu. tapi kata temenku (tau dr temennya yang

alit :*

Monday, July 4, 2011
it's for you! she was born as.. 

she was so tiny, that's way her nickname is ALIT, no question! find by yourself!

she's not my only one cousin, but the most i care about ! i love ! i keep!
the words can show how much i love her.

actually, when we were kidz, we didn't so closer like now, but we were fough, cry, and scream hahaha. sometimes, we hit eachorther for nothing, it's kid you know. she's so hilarious! so amused me! may i said??? always??? she could make me cry and she can, she could make me laugh and always till i don't know what i supposed to do after we make somefun. she's smart ! independent sometimes, she's beautiful, but the most i hate her attitude when you said A when someone manage her to do something this and she'll do something that and hear B, what the fucking she did? hahaha, her face? oh man, you won't get the disgrace overthere, she likes ' no, that's not me.... ' even you know, ya it's you alit, it's you! , amused me so much! 
she close to my mom too, my mom considered her like her best cousin or maybe her daughter too, alit always make some jokes, in everywhere and everytime, she knows when i need a refresh, when i need a hand to keep me stand up and when i need a shoulder when i can lean on, i don't know, i'm very scared to lose her in everysingle day, even i trust it's not gonna happen because we're truly sister! cousin! yaps! maybe, i'm scared if there's a distant between us! and i won't let it be! i can't imagine , what happen to me if i don't have a person like her, i can tell everything to her, the bad the good, silly? beautifil! i tell her everything! she suggest me to do this, to do that, and me either. she share about her boyfriend and me too. don't get me wrong, there's a side of her when she's more mature than me when face a problem, she's as cool as like that! i hate when she yelled me, blablablablablablablablaba.................................. hahaha but when i see her face, we laugh together! yaps, now she's dating iqbal, after broke up with isal, and trust me she's still love isal with everything about hers, alit is a adhere girl, when she tell you she's not love you, care about you, that way? you're the most people she care and love about, that's all i guess.

tomorrow, she'll join to go to jekardah <3 it'll be so much fun!
i love you alit till the world stop??? no, after and after the world stop! i'll always love you sister!


gimme gimme gimme a gift! haha you know what? demi apa aku bangun pagi hari ini , bangun sendiri, emang nge set alarm tapi bangun duluan sebelum alarm cieeeee cihuy. solat subuh aga telat -_- iong dulu soalnya. aniwei, selamat hari raya kemerdekaan ya unitedstates! what the hell! there will be firework! thankyou une, kalo ga dia bbm nanya 4 july itu hari apa, ngga tau, seingatku amerika 4 agustus hahaha ups, i'm not american ;p sorry fot that, but i'm so interested and love
happy birthday unitedstates!
ngejauh, jaga jarak, jadi staranger dalam artian orang yang baru kenal, atau semacam orang yang suka nganterin undangan ke rumah rumah orang atau yang suka nganterin delivery pizza, dibutuhin tapi ga di inginin (sorry, for words!) yaps, aku take a step away aja deh dari hidupmu gin ya, it's better for me and it's much better to you right? biar kata yang suka nganter delivery pizza di film2 amrik itu kadang romantis, tapi kalo kaya begini rasanya cihuy anjir, kaya ga di butuhin gitu nah aku ini, enjoy aja enjoy, ngeliat itu rasanya nyesek aja kaya bayangan hitam yang lewat zlep! eh ngga ding, lebih pasnya apa ya, ya itu tadi delivery pizza. happy for you guys, ngomong dari awal kalo aku itu ganggu, kalo aku itu annoying, disgusting, nasty hem, actually i'm not, hahaha sorry.. take a step, thanks for the memories!
too much posted malem ini ;p and too much pics.. enjoy! it's so free time to post i guess! gtg! see you around<3


they are always..............in my heart ;p and those pics above always i'll save in secret folder uuu i love yall!



07/09/11 HUGS

i love them, they're like truly siblings <3

cariley and beevato


josephjonas from TUMBLR.

<3 hot
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